Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van alle ingezonden dissertaties van 2016 die kans maakten op
de Ds.Visscherprijs.
Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van alle ingezonden dissertaties van 2016 die kans maakten op
de Ds.Visscherprijs.
Zoektocht naar goed leven voor mensen
met een ernstige verstandelijke beperking
en ernstige gedragsproblemen.
Samenvatting Janny Beernink - Wissink
Risk-Taking in Adolescents with
Mild-to-Borderline Intellectual Disability
and/or Behavior Disorder
an experimental study of cognitive and
affective processes.
Safe and Sound.
Soundscape research in special needs care.
Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking
in een vastgelopen situatie.
Onderzoek naar levenstrajecten vanuit
een kruisbestuiving van de theoretische
perspectieven Disability Studies en
Social & Cultural Geography.
A Matter of Meaning.
The Effect of Partner Support on the
Intersubjective Behaviors of Individuals
with Congenital Deafblindness.
On one’s own feet.
Falls, risk factors and falls prevention
in persons with intellectual disabilities.
Dignity of Dependence.
Welfare State Reform and the Struggle
for Respect.
Social Relations of Older Adults with
Intellectual Disabilities from a Life Course
Shared responsibility: a load off your mind.
Collaboration with parents in the support of
children with Profound Intellectual and
Multiple Disabilities.
Pain Assessment and Experience
in Adults with Down Syndrome and
the Relationship with Cognition.
Formal and informal support for parents
with mild intellectual disabilities or
borderline intellectual functioning:
The strenth of connections.
Peer interactions in persons with profound
intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Measuring Physical Fitness in Older
Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Moving towards practice.
Challenging practices.
Challenging behaviour in people with
Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities
and its consequences for practice.
Multidimensional Diagnostics in Persons
with Intellectual Disabilities:
Evaluation of the Diagnostic Guideline
for Anxiety and Challenging Behaviour.
Psychotropic drug use in people with
intellectual disability: patterns of use
and critical evaluation.
An evidence-based physical activity and
fitness programme for ageing adults with
intellectual disabilities: development,
implementation and health effects.
Klik hier voor de genomineerde van de Ds.Visscherprijs van 2016.