Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van alle ingezonden dissertaties van 2018.
Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van alle ingezonden dissertaties van 2018.
Job satisfaction of people with
intellectual disabilities
Associations with job characteristics,
fulfilment of basic psychological needs
and autonomous motivation.
Social networks of people with mild
intellectual disabilities: characteristics
and interventions
Antwoorden op andersheid
Over ontmoetingen tussen mensen met
en zonder verstandelijke beperking
in omgekeerde- integratiesettingen.
Sociale verbinding in de wijk
Mogelijkheden voor sociale inclusie
van wijkbewoners met een lichte
verstandelijke beperking of psychische
"It's all between my ears!"
Deficiencies in information processing
in problematic drinkers with mild
to borderline intellectual disability.
Motivation, well-being, and living with
a mild intellectual disability
A Self-Determination Theory perspective
Real Lives on Paper Plans
Individual Support Planning for People
with Intellectual Disabilities.
Testing the effect of parenting support
for people with intellectual disabilities
and borderline intellectual functionin
Who cares?
Research into maintaining, strengthening,
and expanding the informal social
networks op people with profound
intellectual and multiple disabilities
De ongekende mogelijkheid van het alledaagse
Een kwalitatief-empirische, zorgethische studie naar morele
betekenissen in de alledaagse omgang tussen jongeren
met een licht verstandelijke beperking en zorgprofessionals
Family matters
The experiences and opinions of family
members of persons with (severe or
profound) intellectual disabilities
Joint efforts and shared responsibilities
Health information exchange in primary
care for people with intellectual
Samenvatting Mathilde Masterbroek
Is it just the tip of the iceberg?
Substance use and misuse in individuals
with Intellectual Disability (SumID)
Need time: Joint attention in interactions
with people with profound intellectual
and multiple disabilitie
Time to sign?
Key word signing implementation
by professionals.
Psychopathology in borderline intellectual
functioning. Explorations in secondary
mental health care
Challenging relationships
Staff interactions in supporting persons
with intellectual disabilities and
challenging behaviour.
Klik hier voor de uitreiking van de Ds.Visscherprijs van 2018.