Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van alle ingezonden dissertaties van 2014 die kans maakten op de Ds.Visscherprijs.
Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van alle ingezonden dissertaties van 2014 die kans maakten op de Ds.Visscherprijs.
Visual processing dysfunctions
in children with intellectual disabilities.
Growth, development and social functioning
of individuals with Down syndrome.
Depression and anxiety in older adults
with intellectual disabilities.
Physical activity and fitness in older
adults with intellectual disabilities
Aspects of long-term use of antipsychotic
drugs on an off-label base in individuals
with intellectual disability.
Considered Care for Complex Clients.
Bewust Begeleiden van Complexe Cliënten
Fostering Development in Young
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
and Intellectual Disability:
A Center-based Discrete Trial Approach.
Solution-Focused Support of people
with Intellectual Disabilities.
Sexuality and Intellectual Disability.
Implications for sex education
Without Uttering a Word. Pain assessment
and management in intellectually disabled
Measuring the subjective well-being of
people with severe or profound intellectual
The process of end-of-life decisions
regarding people with intellectual
Samenvatting Annemieke Wagemans
Making Headway with the Molecular
and Clinical Definition of Rare Genetic
Disorders with Intellectual Disability.